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Take 5 minutes to get a clear on the Ecolabels

August 28, 2024
Swans, flowers, wreaths and all the other…

Do you also find it difficult to tell the difference between all the different eco-labels and which product groups they belong to? Join us for a quick tour and get better prepared for the next time you’re in the supermarket shopping for laundry detergents, cleaning products, dishwasher detergents or personal care products.

Nordic Ecolabel

The Nordic Ecolabel is the official Scandinavian Ecolabel for all non-food products. This means you can find the Swan label on products, services and printed matter, from car washes and wood-burning stoves to compost bins and office machines. Used primarily in the Nordic countries – Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland – the Nordic Ecolabel is a guarantee that the product is among the least environmentally damaging in its category AND that the product works. Each product is function-tested to ensure that it is effective. The Nordic Ecolabel is thus your guarantee of stringent environmental requirements, stringent chemical requirements, continuous tightening of requirements, certification and control – and effectiveness.

The Nordic Ecolabel was established by the Nordic Council of Ministers in 1989 and, together with the EU Flower, is Denmark’s official ecolabel. Both ecolabels focus on the issue in question from idea to finished product, with people, the environment and the earth’s resources as the focal point.


Ecocert is a French label for natural or organic products and can be seen on products from all over the world including food, clothing, cosmetics, personal care and cleaning products. Ecocert focuses on fair trade and sustainability and is labelled in two variants; Ecocert (Organic cosmetics) and Ecocert (Natural detergent). For both labels, no more than 5% of the ingredients may be synthetic.

However, it is important to be aware that natural substances are not guaranteed to be safe and that Ecocert is therefore not your full guarantee that there cannot be ingredients in the product that may be harmful to the environment and/or humans. Therefore, check the product label.

Ecocert was introduced in 2003 and supports more than 1,000 companies through their certification processes.

In isolation, Ecocert does not guarantee the effectiveness of the product. That is why at Nopa Nordic we combine Ecocert with the Swan label, where all products are function tested. In this way we ensure that environment and efficiency go hand in hand.

The EU Flower (EU Ecolabel)

The EU Flower is the official European eco-label used in all EU countries. Like the Swan label, it represents all products that cannot be eaten, from paints and mattresses to hostels and laundry detergents. Here you can also be sure that each product is among the least environmentally harmful in its category, that it is of high quality and that it takes your health into account. You are also assured that the product works, as all products carrying the EU Flower undergo relevant functional tests.

The Flower was established in 1992 by the European Commission and, together with the Swan, is Denmark’s official eco-label.

The Blue Wreath

The Blue Wreath is Astma-Allergi Denmark’s allergy label, which is also the international allergy label in more than 25% of the world. The Blue Wreath focuses on skin allergies and is found on approximately 1,200 products in Denmark within personal care, makeup, detergents, diapers, wet wipes, paint and animal care products. When you choose products with the Blue Wreath, you reduce the risk of allergies such as contact allergy, eczema and irritation, as each product does not contain dyes and product make-up, for example.

The Blue Wreath was founded in Denmark in the 1980s by the patient association Astma-Allergi Danmark.

Vegan Society

The Vegan label is known all over the world and can be found on more than 22,000 products. With the Vegan label, you are guaranteed that none of the ingredients are of animal origin. In addition, none of the products have been developed using animal testing.

Asthma Allergy Nordic

Asthma Allergy Nordic is a new joint Nordic brand launched jointly by the Nordic Asthma and Allergy Associations. The brand is already seen on a number of products and will eventually phase out the Blue Wreath, which is available in 50 countries worldwide. The aim of a single brand is to make it easier for consumers to find allergy-friendly products both in their own country and abroad.

If you have any doubts about whether the product you are holding in your hands is the best for you, your family and the environment – look on the label for one or more of the official eco-labels.